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CJMCU- 8591 PCF8591T 8-bit analog-to-digital converter

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736,000 ریال

مبدل آنالوگ به دیجیتال 8 بیتی مخصوص رزبری

CJMCU - 8591 PCF8591T 8 - bit analog - to - digital converter

The CJMCU-8591 is a monolithic integrated, powered, low power, 8-bit CMOS data acquisition device. The CJMCU-8591 has four analog inputs, one analog output and one serial I2C bus interface. The three address pins A0, A1 and A2 of the CJMCU-8591 can be used for hardware address programming, allowing access to eight CJMCU-8591 devices on the same I2C bus without additional hardware. In the CJMCU-8591 device input and output address, control and data signals are through two-wire bi-directional I2C bus to serial transmission.


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